Can I have a Google Office Design?
I suppose it depends on what you are looking for. Is it the funky furniture or quirky office design? Is it the open plan collaborative working? Does a Google office design feel successful? Or do we just want to give our staff an amazing office space? In reality, it’s probably a little of all of these plus many more.
For many, a Google office conjures up a Google sized budget, but it doesn’t need to. Applying good Office Design and Space Planning and using an experienced office furniture and fit-out company means you will be able to get the feel but without the cost. So, what are some of the benefits of a Google office and what can be achieved without breaking the bank?
Attract the right employees
There is no doubt that a well-designed office, one that is fit for purpose, can be an attractive proposition to potential employees. The very best people can be harder to attract and retain and research by Brita Vivreau (seen via Mind in Work) has shown that great working environments are an important consideration for job movers. First impressions count, both to prospective employees and clients.
What can you do?
- Improve your reception desk area – this could be as simple as a feature chair or modern sofa, creating a feature or living wall, inlay a carpet feature into your entrance flooring or add your company name in a stunning sign.
- Brighten your meeting rooms – apply some vibrant coloured art to the walls, hang some art, or put in planters for a healthier feel.
- Update your rest areas – add some funky poseur or dining tables and stools, these can also be used as casual meeting spaces giving your staff variety in where they can work.
Motivate and value employees
Companies need to ensure they retain the experts they attract and there is no doubt working in cool spaces is going to be a positive when recruiting. An inviting workspace can be the difference between an employee joining or an existing staff member feeling valued, and it can also have a motivational and invigorating effect on the whole company.
What can you do?
- Try to provide variety – it is all too easy to stay sitting in one place all day so why not allow working throughout the office, maybe some outside tables, a quiet room or meeting pods.
- Upgrade your chairs – as your staff spend so much time sitting, an ergonomic chair is a good investment to show you are thinking of their wellbeing.
- Somewhere for your shoes – traditional storage in this paperless ages is becoming a thing of the past but with so many of us cycling or walking to work good personnel lockers are a real benefit to staff.
Improve productivity
Google has designed its workspaces to complement a particular way they like to work, and this actually works for them. However, the open plan model is not for everyone or every type of business. Employees are reported to be happier if their workplace requirements are met – some need a quiet area for focus, or a fun, inspirational area for ideas and creativity or a closed board or meeting room for confidential meetings.
One of the simplest things to do is ask. We have found over the years that many staff do not want, or need, a grand gesture to be happy, just meeting their basic needs is often enough to create an inspiring and productive place to work.
The most productive spaces use design, layout, office refurbishment, and office furniture that fit the company’s brand, it’s culture and business activity – we can’t all be Google after all! Choose appropriate furniture for specific workspace areas and you will likely see increases in productivity, staff wellbeing and staff retention.
If you need any further advice or guidance on any of the above, or you or a member of staff have any specific issues, then please call on 0333 3448 774 or contact us to arrange a no obligation visit or call so we can advise on the best solution for you.